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Innovative Micro and Nanosensors to mesure in real time the aquatic environment contamination.


Research and Development National Institute for Microtechnology Bucharest


Rom-Quartz Bucharest
Sitex 45 Bucharest
Research and Development National Institute for electrochimic and condensate material Timisoara
Technic University Gheorqhe Asachi Iasi
Politechnic University Bucharest


Project's main objective is to build one portable working box. This bow will contain micro/nanosensors to mesure the contamination of aquatic medium. We speak about one area of double sensors MOS/PIECE of limit. This sensors alerts when the limit of a substance, like pesticides, metals, hidrocarburs is passed. If microsensor MOS/diferential are already mentioned for chimical detections, nanosensors piezo we propose respresent a new sensor in this detection domain. On the second hand the integration of sensor MOS/piezo in the same substrat represents a technological advance.


innovation award elena links Horizon Europe