Design and engineering of micronanotechnologies applications.
Design and engineering by unconventional technologies.
Desing and engineering for micro/nanosystems manufacturing on basis of inteligent and innovative materials, nanostructured, biocompatibles, nanocomposites like ceramics and polymerics.
Design and engineering of chemical sensors.
Design and engineering of microsystems and sensors for contamination control and environment monitoring quality.
Design and engineering of systems for monitoring and control microcontamination in ultrapure facilities for cleanroom technologies.
Full system integration (custom / semicustom specifications)
Consulting services, technical support and marketing, full technical / commercial documentation.
Trading services for procurement.
Delivery of technological equipments, instrumentation, consumables...
Company in-house manufacturing own products.
Marketing promotion.
Sales services.
Validation and after-sales delivery for ultrapure cleanroom facilities.
Certify/validation upon following international regulations
ISO 14644-1
ISO 14644-2
ISO 14644-3
PD 6609-2000
EN 12469