The Elena Ulieru Innovation Award
In memory of Elena Ulieru, SITEX 45, in cooperation with the 4M Association will offer a prize at 4M/ICOMM15, for the best paper by a young female scientist entitled “The Elena Ulieru Innovation Award". Elena was an active partner of the 4M Network of Excellence (NoE) and also a very successful author, who contributed papers in the 4M Conferences. Elena initiated the research activities industrial oriented for monitoring systems development and implementation for medical, environment and ICT communication technologies. Elena played an important role as senior researcher, proposer, partner and coordinator of several R&D cooperation projects under national programs like MATNANTECH (New materials, micro and nanotechnologies), CEEX (Research for Excellence), PNII 2007-2013 (National Program Partnership and Innovation ) and more European FP5/FP6/FP7 projects and related programs like INCO, Marie Curie, Eurostars / Σureka, Euro-Nano-Med and Mnt-Era-Net.
Elena Ulieru Innovation Award at 4M / IWMF Conference
Portoroz Slovenia 18-20 September 2018
Papers are invited that present original research and development in processes and process chains for multi-material nano/micro/meso scale manufacture.
In addition, contributions to the International Workshop on Microfactories (IWMF2016) on the following topics are invited:
* Micro and Desktop Factory Concepts, Systems, Components and Modules
* Standardization in Micro Manufacturing and Micro Factories
* High Precision Production of 3D Micro-parts
* Micro-assembly and Micro-handling
The Award package includes:
* A laser processed art work of glass
* 500 € directly paid to the winner personal account
* A free trip to Bucharest to visit SITEX 45 (optional).
Paper presentations on all conference topics are eligible for this award. For more information contact the 4M Association Officer, Mr Afif Batal.